Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I got a comp working

although I can't work on my current hot projects, I do have material on this computer to work on. It's definitely fantasy as it has dragons, warriors mages, mages, warriors, general magic and adventure. It started as a short story which got good reviews from lots of people, but it has a lot of passive voice that slows down the story. It is a good story with a good premise, so It's worth the fix. :) I'm also applying like mad to all kinds of places.

I did an oil pastel Sunday night. It's my niece from my brother Isaac. It's his first girl and I was inspired by the pic I got. It's pretty cool. One day I'll figure out how to get post pics on this. For now, I'm trying to figure out how to get pics off my camera. I don't seem to have the proper cord. And the adapter for my itty bitty disk is packed - SOMEWHERE. Maybe my friend will have one.

The kids are all doing OK, except Isaac (my baby with Downs) has a cold or something. It's a little worrisome but so far he seems okay. School will start soon, and with the advent of school, I'm hoping for more writing time. Yeah!

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