Thursday, November 5, 2009

foruth day

So yesterday was as busy as ever, but I'm starting to train myself to write write write! Even if its one sentence. Yesterday I got in 4k words!!!! I have over 10k total on my manuscript.

I've been reading agent blogs since I got serious about writing. One of the topics I noticed was the curiousity of the rush of queries in January. I have solved the problem.

Drum Roll please.

It is NaNoWriMo! Every year, for over ten years now, People have been writing rough drafts of novels in November. December they polish and edit. They get their query letters and synopsis ready. come January, they start rolling them out. Everyone edits at different speeds, so from January to March there is an influx of writers who finished that wonderful novel :P

This story threatens to be either my biggest accomplishment or my biggest disappointment. I've never written a fantasy novel before. They are intimidating in length. I'm excited about it though, which means I chose the right one to work on for National Novel Writing Month.

I will start posting excerpts. In fact, I will post one today, just remember, it is the first draft! Just want to give you a taste of what's coming...

PS My son is still reading Rebellion on Piza &. Says it would be an awesome movie LOL

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